Sci Art Walks is a series of audio-escapes featuring fascinating talks by Tasmanian scientists and artists, with music composed by Tasmanian musicians. Each episode is paired with a suggested walking location in lutruwita/Tasmania, but you can listen from anywhere in the world. (Note: Sci Art Walks is best enjoyed with fresh air.)
Click an X on the map to access the corresponding episode,
or scroll down for a list of all available episodes.
Listen directly from this site or subscribe to Sci Art Walks
wherever you get your podcasts.
Photo Credit: Luke Webber
Photo credit: Andrew Wallace
Photo credit: Graham Wootton
Photo credit: Kristina D.C Hoeppner
Photo credit: HilACT
Sci Art Walks is a project by Beaker Street Festival, an annual celebration of science and art in lutruwita/Tasmania. The unusual circumstances of 2020 inspired us to innovate, and create something that would get people away from their screens and out into nature. You might say Sci Art Walks is a project for a pandemic. In times of uncertainty and anxiety, many of us find solace in our natural world. Creating these episodes was also a great opportunity to continue to facilitate collaborations between scientists and artists, and showcase some of the amazing talent and groundbreaking scientific research coming out of Tasmania.
Please help us spread the word about Sci Art Walks by sharing the website or podcast with friends, and consider downloading our poster and displaying it in your workplace, tourist accommodation... anywhere really!

Beaker Street is a not-for-profit organisation in lutruwita/Tasmania that exists to promote the intersection of art and science. We facilitate collaborative projects amongst artists, scientists, and the public. We host engaging and interactive events, workshops, talks, discussions, and installations. We believe every pub should have a microscope and every scientific talk should have live music, and probably a bar too. Our flagship event is the annual Beaker Street Festival, which takes place in and around the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (and beyond) each August. Learn more at beakerstreet.com.au, and sign up to hear about our upcoming projects and our 2021 Festival program here. We only email when we have something worth saying.


Margo Adler
Beaker Street Director
Interviews, Transcript
Editing, & Curation

Chris Townend
Producer and Sound Artist
Audio Editing, Sound Design, & Music Production

Rosie Pidd
Beaker Street Assistant Director
Project Management &
Artist Liaising